Starting an independent insurance agency takes a lot of guts and ambition. Branching out on your own in such a big way comes with its potential financial implications, worrying about building the right team, and finding[...]
As a captive agent, you’re working in the best interests of the insurance provider, which is not always in line with the needs of the client. While there is safety in a captive position, there is limited room to grow.[...]
Success in the insurance industry relies significantly on how you cultivate client relationships and build trust with clients. Your ability to attract and keep clients can make or break your potential as an independent[...]
A career in the insurance industry can provide you with security and longevity and is one of few careers that have proven to be both recession and pandemic-resistant. Most people start in a position as a captive agent,[...]
The difference between being a boss vs. a leader is all about tactics. A boss will manage employees and the day-to-day, sometimes even micromanage, while a leader will inspire and empower. When you run a business, like[...]
Building relationships with other professionals is one of the fundamental steps to succeeding as an independent business owner, whether you’re opening an independent insurance agency or any other business. However,[...]
The success of an independent insurance agency depends on how well you maneuver around the never-ending cycle of reaching and converting clients. Growing a client base comes down to marketing and referrals. Marketing is[...]
Social media marketing has become a rallying cry here at Affordable American Insurance. While we have no stake in any social media platform, we do have a stake in the success of our members, and social media is the one[...]
There are two essential business concepts that appear similar but should be treated separately; your brand and your business. Building a brand will help define your business, while your business strategy will focus on[...]
Before you make the leap from captive to an independent agent, you need to define your brand. The brand is the essence of your agency, the personal side of your agency. Not to put too much pressure on defining your[...]