Build a Staff That Will Help Your Business Grow These days, it seems like it's harder and harder to find employees with great work ethic, who know how to manage customers with ease, especially when candidates are of a[...]
When it's time to talk about your insurance and make decisions that best protect your interests, you have several alternatives but if you're thinking of talking to an agent there are two options: going to a captive[...]
Start a Successful Business, Don't Just Run an Agency Starting an insurance agency is not easy. There are many, many things involved in getting it up and running but the work doesn't stop once you get it off the ground.[...]
If you have come with the idea to become an entrepreneur and start your own business, then we can help you. Affordable American Insurance operates as an independent insurance broker in Colorado, Arizona, and Utah, owned[...]
Many people believe that they can't start a business of their own because they are not young, but, the truth is that becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business is not about age, it is about the right way to do so.[...]
Everyone likes to talk a big game when it comes to success. “One day, I’ll own a house on the Hollywood Hills,” “one day, I’ll drive a Ferrari,” "one day, I’ll run a million-million dollar insurance agency.”
If you’re a captive agent that’s looking to break out on your own, you should spend some time learning about the benefits of being an independent agent. Going independent might just be the best career move you’ll ever[...]
Poor employee retention is a common problem in any industry. For one reason or another, some employers can’t keep certain positions filled. But who’s really to blame for bad employee retention? It might be poor business[...]