Much of marketing is about how well you evaluate a business strategy. Evaluation gives insight into what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to react and make changes that save you money and help you achieve your[...]
There is no denying that running a business is a challenging, but rewarding, task. While you may have a solid business plan and innovative ideas that fill a gap in the market, it’s important to establish small business[...]
The primary objective of a marketing strategy is to provide solutions that meet the needs of your clients. However, while you want to prioritize clients outwardly, you can’t forget that you are running a business. You[...]
During the pandemic, many employees began to see the attraction of being independent and owning a business. When the world is chaotic, being independent is a way to gain back control. Because the insurance agents have[...]
The greatest tool you have as an independent agent is your personality and ability to connect and empathize with your clients. However, you can enhance your customer service skills and grow your business more[...]
The first step to successful marketing is preparation. There are many steps to signing a new client and making a sale; it’s a process and requires strategic thought and implementation. Let’s look at the preparation that[...]
Believe it or not, when the world around you feels chaotic, it may just be the right time to make a career change, especially if you’ve been feeling stuck. While many industries have suffered during the pandemic, many[...]
Being the victim of a data breach or ransomware will lose you more than money; you could lose your reputation. The loss of trust and confidence that follows a serious breach is harder to recover from than the financial[...]
It feels like the whole world has gone digital, especially when it comes to marketing. With a limited marketing budget, it’s important to spend wisely and focus on the right areas. However, the right way to market your[...]
The foundation of a long-lasting and profitable client relationship is value. Every move you make as an independent insurance agency owner should focus on providing value to your clients. Furthermore, Insurance agents[...]