Social media is the making or breaking factor for many businesses today. The benefits that social media platforms provide have created a new way for companies to reach their customer base, and in turn, boost their[...]
When it comes to digital marketing, the question we always get is: where do I start? In a sea of ever-changing technology, there is one digital marketing tool that no independent insurance agency should go without, and[...]
Once your agency starts to take off, it’s time to hire more producers to keep your growth momentum going. While you want to hire someone with experience, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and change the insurance[...]
Hiring for your independent insurance agency may seem like a priority, but when you first start, the only employee you need is you! Being able to wear many hats and run your agency by yourself is one of the toughest[...]
Knowing how to qualify a lead is an essential part of your sales process, and yet it can be a bit mysterious. So, let's take a closer look at lead qualification: what it is, why it’s important, and what to look for in a[...]
In the past, insurance agencies always operated within quite traditional business models. The sales processes and products of insurance agencies went unchanged for decades. Today, innovative technological advances are[...]
When you leave a captive job to become an independent agent you open up new opportunities for growth and increased profits. That being said, it’s a scary step for insurance agents to move from captive to independent[...]
To succeed as an independent insurance agency, it is essential to have effective marketing and growth strategies. But how do you know which strategies are working and which are not? The answer is simple: analytics!
When you’re naming your independent insurance agency, it’s important to get it right the first time, so be thoughtful. Your insurance agency’s name will help define your overall brand, and having to rename or rebrand[...]