Satisfied clients have a vital hand to play in the success of a business. No business can thrive or be termed ‘successful’ without having a base of loyal or repeat clients. It is, therefore, essential that you focus on[...]
Before you take a leap of faith and transition from a captive agent to an independent agency owner, take a minute to consider your new role as the boss. Being the boss comes with many responsibilities you didn't have as[...]
As an independent insurance agency owner, you're going to be spending a lot of time finding the best ways to market your independent insurance agency. It's all about aligning your marketing strategies with your business[...]
Deciding whether to stay captive or to break free into the independent world is the most significant decision an insurance agent ever has to make. To transition from captive to independent is a personal decision not to[...]
Drafting a highly effective marketing plan is one of the first essential tasks of an agency owner. You must define your mission, audience, and tools for reaching your audience—the more detailed and specific your[...]
Every independent agency owner has experienced a plateau. When you lose momentum, it can be detrimental to your confidence. You can take steps to overcome plateaus and regain your momentum to grow bigger, faster, more[...]
A strategic marketing plan is constantly evolving. Staying informed on industry and market changes should always inform your marketing strategies. Industry research allows you to recognize market opportunities and act[...]
Knowledge is power. To be a successful independent agency owner, the more knowledge you have, the better you can make smart business decisions. There are two types of data: third-person and first-person. Companies used[...]
Agency owners need always to be looking at the big picture and be ready for anything. One way to prepare your independent insurance agency for the future is to embrace technology and strengthen client relationships.
There's more to being a successful entrepreneur than running a business. The foundation of entrepreneurship is innovation. Much of your success will come from taking calculated risks while also understanding the[...]