Every Small Business Should Have These Insurance Plans Hey there, small business owner. If you have joined AAI and own an independent insurance agency, you are part of the select few that have decided to take a step[...]
3 Reasons Behind Failed Attempts to Become an Independent Insurance Agency Owner Starting your own business can be intimidating. You might be part of the insurance industry already but flying solo is a whole different[...]
Your insurance needs are not something you should take lightly. Ideally, you should have a qualified professional in the process of selecting the best products to protect your interests. When you want to talk to a[...]
Benefits of Starting Your Own Business Having your own business is one of those goals that is on everyone’s —or most people’s— mind. Being self-employed sounds like a dream but at the same time, it gives you the[...]
Insurance Agents Should Watch Out for These Common E&O Claims Every job comes with certain risks. Making mistakes is one of them. It’s only natural because we’re only human. Right? However, it can be prevented. As an[...]
A Successful Business Starts with a Strong Brand Selling insurance might be what you do, but it is not who you are as a business. Starting an independent insurance agency and running it, is not just about having the[...]
Now Is the Time to Become an Independent Insurance Agency Owner Most people dream of becoming their own boss, but not everyone makes it happen. It takes courage and decision power to go after what you want. If you’ve[...]