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Marketing Technology: The Key to Doing More With Less

Written by AAI | Jan 11, 2023 6:00:00 PM

In this day and age, it's essential for insurance agencies to run as efficiently as possible. One way to do this is through the use of marketing technology. By leveraging agency management systems (AMS) and implementing website and marketing automation tools, agencies can achieve more while doing less. This blog post will explore how insurance agencies can maximize their efficiency by utilizing marketing technology and AMS data. Read on to learn how to get the most out of your marketing efforts.

Consolidate Technology

Considering how fast technology evolves and changes, it's not difficult to understand why agents start to tune out technology news. Thankfully, vendors have realized the importance of integrating policyholder communication strategies with agency management systems (AMS). They now encourage agencies to manage their website, email, and social strategies in one place by offering collaborative tools to streamline that process.

Agencies should consider what systems they'll employ, how they'll integrate them, and how the data will flow to make their policyholders feel valued instead of implementing marketing technology piecemeal. For instance, website and marketing automation systems should collaborate to use already existing AMS data. Long-term, this will save both time and money.


Using automation is a great way to use your website to upsell, cross-sell, and find coverage gaps for your clients. For instance, customers frequently make significant home renovations without telling their insurance company.

Are you making policy renewals simple with automated reminders? Accounts due for renewal in the next 45 days can automatically receive email reminders. Links to your website can be included in these automated emails, allowing insureds to look through your coverage alternatives.

Video Proposals

Video proposals are another new tool to consider, and some agents are known to have a very high success close rate using videos. It can take a lot of work to capture the interest of clients and prospects in today's busy world. Short videos provide a simple and practical approach to explaining information about your agency. They can be posted to your website, forwarded via email, or shared on social media platforms.

Most people do not want to read lengthy blocks of text. Videos allow you to explain coverages, pricing, and comparisons visually. Additionally, video allows for a personal connection between agents and clients without face-to-face interaction. 

A Network for Agents

These are just a few ways agents can optimize technology, so you can focus on running your agency. When you join AAI, you have a complete one-stop solution to building your independent insurance agency and growing it with the help of expert agents, top marketing and branding strategies, and cutting-edge technology. For more info, contact us today