One of the most discussed terms in business development is search engine optimization (SEO). It is no secret that SEO plays a huge role in everything that a company does online. For example, without proper SEO, some businesses may never know how effective their website was or how many times their products showed up on social media.

Man with camera capturing a photo of the earth.
Search engines can help tailor and perfect marketing campaigns. Each search engine allows businesses to look at their traffic, allowing them to analyze how people are reaching the website. Studying this data and comparing it to the keywords being used allows people to make swift adjustments and accommodations.
However, you don’t need SEO to be successful online. While studying search engine analytics and tailoring your campaign can work wonders when it comes to bringing in natural traffic, there are dozens of other methods independent insurance agents can try to grow their business online.
Social Media
Being an active voice on social media is a natural way to capture a regular following. When thousands of people are eagerly awaiting your next update, they will naturally visit your website. The more people who visit your site, the higher it will show in the search results.
Regular Blog Updates
Search engines like Google naturally favor fresh content. While it can be difficult to be seen without fresh content, the extra information is almost always visible on social search engines. Updating a blog just three times a week could be able to get the natural traffic you want without all of the technical hassles.
Know Current Trends
Not all SEO trends are complex. At Affordable American Insurance, we want you to get the most out of your digital marketing campaign. Our blog contains some of the easiest SEO tips your business can incorporate. To learn more about SEO, please contact us today!