As an independent insurance agency owner, you're going to be spending a lot of time finding the best ways to market your independent insurance agency. It's all about aligning your marketing strategies with your business vision and goals. In this article, we're going to go over three ways you can optimize your marketing campaigns and their performance.
Here are three tips for marketing your independent insurance agency.
If your database is jam-packed with contacts that are not any good, your marketing efforts will most likely go to waste. If you're incorporating newsletters and email marketing tactics, it's important to have an updated database with relevant clients.
Low open or click rates on an e-blast campaign can be harmful to your business, impacting your ability to expand. Ensure that you have the correct contact information and have deleted any clients or contacts that are no longer responsive or causing email bounce rates to increase.
Content marketing includes:
Research your clients to personalize and tailor your content to reach the people you want to attract. Your target audience has unique pain points when it comes to insurance. Your content should address the needs of your clients and provide a solution.
Referrals are a big deal in the insurance industry, but, at times, they can be hard to get. The best approach is to motivate your customers to refer you to their family and friends. However, building referral partnerships with local business owners and other professionals is invaluable for building a solid brand reputation and growing your agency.
Join a networking group or start a networking group by reaching out to relevant local professionals who can help build a bigger client base and agency reputation.
AAI-affiliated agency owners get access to tools, training, and technology, plus the support and guidance of an executive team specializing in starting, building, and growing an insurance agency.
Part of being successful is having someone that has your back. When you join AAI, you are independent but not alone.