There are two types of insurance agents: independent and captive. Independent agents are free to represent multiple insurance companies, while captive agents are more restricted. While both types of agents have the same goal of helping their clients find the best insurance options available, independent agents have more freedom. The independent route offers better success opportunities because you can have a comprehensive portfolio of products to provide to your clients, which ultimately helps you find the best value and protect their interests in the long run.
You Control Your Marketing
As an independent insurance agent, you can create a unique marketing plan that is not dictated by anyone else. Captive agents are required to market according to the company they work for and spend money on their campaigns even if they don’t want to. Independent agents have complete marketing control, including the budget.
You're the Boss
As an independent agent, you choose the portfolio you'd like to offer and how you want your business to be run. You only have to answer to yourself and your commitments to your clients. There are no office politics here—only policies that help guide your business practices and protect your client's best interests.
You Can Offer a Variety of Products
Independent agents have access to a variety of products and can provide their clients with a range of coverage. They also have the freedom to sell products from multiple carriers, giving clients more options. So if you are looking for a career where you can be your own boss and make your own decisions, becoming an independent agent may be for you!
Become an Independent Agent With AAI
Contact us if you’re a captive agent looking to transition into an independent insurance agent role. Join AAI today to start your independent agency while getting one-on-one training and support from the executive team.