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Start Your Business Right with These Budgeting Tips

Written by AAI | Dec 17, 2018 7:00:45 PM

Simple Tips to Create a Budget for Your New Business

Every new business venture brings lots of excitement, but there are a lot of things that go into running a business of your own and driving it toward success. Some of those things are fun and others, not so much. Budgeting can be one of those not-so-fun things but doing it right is essential for any starting business. Here are some suggestions for keeping your finances in check as you go on this new adventure.

List Out Your Fixed Expenses

What are those things that you must always pay—your non-negotiable expenses? For example, rent, utility bills, loans, and salaries —including your own— are things that you must pay for every single month. For annual payments, you can break them up in 12 parts and save one of those parts every month, so you'll have that money handy whenever those yearly payments are due. Making a clear distinction between your fixed expenses and your variable expenses, such as marketing and transportation, is essential to keep your finances organized.

Practice Zero-Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting promotes accuracy and efficiency, helping you minimize wasteful spending. As you can tell by the name, budgets start from a zero-base, and every need and cost related to it is analyzed. Budgets are built based on the requirements for the upcoming period.

Open a Retained Earnings Account

Your retained earnings can be saved and accumulated over time in an account that is destined for that particular purpose. The idea is not that you use it as an emergency fund. You should keep that separate. Your retained earnings account will come in very handy when you need to invest in something that will add value to your operation.


The idea of starting a new business can be scary, but it is very well worth it. Becoming your own boss is something many people aspire to do. If you have experience in the independent insurance industry, your time to start your own business could be right now. Join AAI today!