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Soft Skills That Matter When Looking for New Employees

Written by AAI | Dec 6, 2019 7:00:43 PM

6 Soft Skills Your New Hires Should Have

When you define a job description, the candidates' academic background and experience usually are what matters most. Although they are certainly essential qualities to have, some other soft skills might not have anything to do with the academic background, but matter just as much —or maybe even more.

Positive Attitude

Attitude is contagious, which is why it is one of the things that matter most with a potential team member. If it's going to spread among your team, you want to have an attitude that is positive and optimistic.

Great Problem-Solving Skills

New hires will always require some amount of supervision, but they should be able to start solving problems on their own not long after they have been trained. You want someone who can handle small challenges with ease, who you can easily rely on, and get involved in projects without hesitation.

Emotional Intelligence

For diverse teams to run smoothly, the members must have emotional intelligence. That will allow them to easily collaborate with everyone else on the team, regardless of their differences, and can promote healthy conflict resolution.

Eagerness to Learn

You can see the sparkle in someone's eye when they're excited to learn new things. Someone who understands that no matter the age or academic degree, you never really stop learning to become a valuable asset on your team.


No organization, position, or project will stay the same forever. There will always be changes somewhere along the way. Embracing change and knowing how to adapt to the situation are incredibly desirable qualities in a new hire. Someone who doesn't get frustrated by changes but that can roll with the punches and make things happen regardless.


It's not about striving to be perfect all the time, but to be humble enough to recognize when a mistake is made, be able to learn from it, and then carry on without fear. Someone accountable for their actions is incredibly valuable on any team.


Finding the best people for your business takes time. Keep these skills in mind when you're interviewing potential new hires. What are other soft skills important to you as a business owner?