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Importance of Employee Engagement

Written by AAI | May 13, 2019 6:00:35 PM

Engaged Employees Make a Business Thrive

Businesses have come to realize that their employees are their most valuable asset. Happy clients are important, but keeping employees happy is also essential for any business to thrive.

Did you know that highly engaged teams can generate up to 21% more profit for their employer? Setting expectations and giving your employees the tools they need to succeed is the start of something great. It's not a crazy thought. The truth is, when employees are engaged they show up to work with the best attitude, and are committed to producing good quality work. When all this aligns, it helps develop better and stronger relationships with your clients which we all know is great for business.

Creating an atmosphere that promotes employee engagement might sound like no big deal, but many businesses miss the mark. Employees feel empowered to do their job when they feel like their voice is heard; they appreciate empathy and expect to be supported by their employer in balancing work and personal life.

How to Promote Employee Engagement

Start by creating a better office environment that makes room for healthier habits. As you define your company's culture, you will be able to build stronger statements related to what you think about employee health and wellness.

Many employees feel stressed at their place of work, and that can lead to health issues, such as weight gain, fatigue, depression, anxiety and more. All this can complicate work for anyone. Tackle those threats by offering yoga classes, workshops on how to handle stress or anything else that helps keep a healthy balance, and a good relationship with work.


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the level of engagement of your employees? Having happy employees who are engaged with your business will help your independent insurance agency thrive. Start making changes today!