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Learning to Delegate is Essential for Your Business to Survive

Written by AAI | Apr 22, 2019 6:00:51 PM

Business Owners Should Embrace Delegation

Many small business owners feel the need to take care of everything themselves. A business of your own is a precious possession, and it is not rare to want to take ownership of all tasks thinking no one else will do them the way you would.

If you're running your own business, your number one responsibility is to steer the wheel in the right direction so you can accomplish your goals and continue to grow.  But if you're spreading yourself too thin, by acting as a sales rep, a social media manager, a marketing consultant, and a million other things, you'll have a much harder time getting where you want to go and might even put your business in jeopardy.

Promotes Work-Life Balance

Being dedicated to your business is a good thing, but not when you put yourself in a position where you're in over your head. Having more than you can handle doesn't do anyone any good. There must be a balance and delegation helps you get closer to that.

Decision fatigue robs you of the ability to make good decisions.

Prevents Decision Fatigue

When you have too many tasks that require your attention, your ability to make decisions can become impaired, not allowing you to see things clearly. If you're continually postponing making decisions until you absolutely have to, become frustrated when you have to make a decision or act impulsively instead of thinking things through, it's a sign of decision fatigue.

Increases Productivity

Did you know that a CEO that actively delegates tasks can generate up to 33% more revenue than one that avoids delegation? As you start delegating tasks, you'll find you have more time to dedicate to things that can make a significant impact on your business.

It's All About Having a Good Team Who Has Your Back

For a delegation approach to provide the desired results, it is essential to have the right team on your side. Take time to analyze and understand the skills you need on your team so you can recruit the best people to take care of those tasks. Outsourcing specific tasks could also be an option that you might want to consider.


Whether you're just about to open your own independent insurance agency or already run one, know that delegating is ok and it's encouraged, so you can make room for the things that indeed require your attention and drive your business in the right direction.