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Beating the Monday Blues

Written by AAI | Apr 29, 2019 6:00:39 PM

When you're overwhelmed by the start of the week, you need strategies that help you come out on top.

5 Strategies to Overcome a Case of the Mondays

Mondays should feel like any other day, but for some reason, it seems like there's always some negative connotation around this day in particular. It has become a cultural phenomenon, and every Monday, social media fills up with memes about how bad Mondays feel. If you allow yourself to get in that mindset, the start of the workweek will weigh you down and keep you from getting things done. Here are a few tips to help you navigate around that and boost your productivity.

Do a Root-Cause Analysis

If you've been dreading Mondays for a while now, ask yourself what's wrong. If one Monday you wake up and you're just not feeling it, that's ok, but if it's something that's been happening every week, there is definitely, something bothering you that needs to be addressed. Do you not feel challenged? Are you unhappy with the work environment? Once you understand the cause, it will be easier to fix the problem.

Preparing for the coming week on Friday will prevent frustration and stress on Monday.

Prepare for the Coming Week On Fridays

When you come into the office unprepared on Mondays, it can be effortless to feel like a truck-full of stuff to do is about to run you over. When that overwhelming feeling takes over, it's pretty hard to get back on track. So instead, try to make time to prepare for Mondays on Fridays. Work out your schedule as much as you can and leave some room for unexpected things.

Recharge Over the Weekend

As the owner of an independent insurance agency, you will always have many responsibilities but when it's time to rest, rest. Try to unplug over the weekend and avoid taking work home. Forget about checking your email and answering work calls unless absolutely, necessary. If you don't give your brain a break, you will be super tired by the time the workweek starts.

Suit Up

Your choice of clothing can give you a sense of empowerment, so when you're getting ready to get out of the house and face Monday, dress for success. When you feel good about yourself, you're more confident, have more energy and charisma, and feel ready to take on anything that comes your way.

Avoid Crowding Your Schedule for Monday

There's nothing worse than coming into the office, checking your schedule and realizing that you won't even have time for coffee during the day. A balanced schedule is essential for you to be efficient. Try to keep Mondays light and plan your big meetings for Tuesday or Wednesday, so you have enough time to prepare.


When you're passionate about what you do, work stops being something you have to do and becomes something you love to do. Start a business that you love. With the right attitude and the help of a great work environment, everything is possible.