Coming up with several blog ideas each week can eventually lead to a severe case of writer’s block. If you feel a little stuck, here are a few ideas to help get your creative juices flowing while staying on topic.
![Becoming an independent agency owner](
Back to the Basics
In many cases, independent insurance agents start discussing current events and specialized topics so much that they forget not everyone is familiar with the basics of insurance. Try creating a simple series of posts to help introduce people to the benefits of insurance.
Show Off Your Office
People love getting to know the people behind the business. While you shouldn’t divulge too much personal information on your professional blog, showing off your new office décor can be beneficial. Many people do extensive research before visiting a location in person. Your well-decorated office could give a few new customers peace of mind and encourage them to stop by!
Social Media Developments
Did you start a new social media account? While this is hardly news on its own, it can be worked into a blog post as a special announcement. Try doing a social media giveaway and writing a post about it. This will help you gain more followers while providing you with blog content.
Write a Resources List
Some people often have insurance questions they are afraid to ask or want to conduct independent research before working with an agent. Compile a list of resources, provided by non-competitors, and turn it into a blog post. If you have multiple topics, you would like to cover; this can be spread into multiple, well-organized posts.
Uncommon Insurance Issues
Not everyone has concerns about their home catching on fire or getting in an auto accident; some people worry about the boat in their driveway or the items in their storage bin getting stolen. Try thinking of unusual situations and writing detailed posts about them. Not only will this help you attract some new clientele, but it will also help show off your industry expertise!
More Great Ideas for Online Marketing
At Affordable American Insurance, we want our agents to be able to get the most out of their digital marketing efforts. Contact us today to learn more great tips for independent insurance agents.