There are two kinds of insurance agents; independent agents and captive agents. Independent agents work for the client to find the best insurance and are not limited to one carrier or product, while captive agents are held captive by one company. It may seem that being a captive agent gives you more freedom since you’re only working with one company, but there are benefits to becoming an independent agent that you can’t get from being an insurance agent at an insurance company.
Multiple Carriers
By being independent, you have more options and can choose from several carriers. A captive agent is bound to one company which means their options of carriers are limited. As an independent agent, you can compare quotes from all major insurance carriers and find policies that offer the best solution for your clients.
Multiple Marketing Options

A quick internet search will tell you that traditional marketing channels for insurance include TV, radio, newspapers, and direct mail. And while these channels are still out there, they are far from dominant in today’s insurance market — and they most certainly aren’t as effective as they used to be. Because of your independent status and access to multiple marketing channels you have a greater chance of reaching new clients through social media posts, podcasts, and other digital platforms.
Multiple Companies Offer More Choices
If you are a captive agent, you have one product line to sell. This may not be beneficial for your clients. You can't shop multiple companies for them to find the best solution for their needs. This is why many agents choose to become independent agents as it gives them more freedom. An independent agent is not restricted by trying to make one product fit their client's needs. Close 60-70% of your prospects instead of 10-20%.
Joining AAI can help give you the freedom you deserve as an independent agent. Contact us today!